Diet plays a very important role in keeping our body healthy. Who does not love healthy and soft hair? Everyone. But achieving them is not as easy as we think. We need to use proper hair masks, good hair products and the most important keep our body healthy. Now, we always think that eating good, healthy, and nutritious food is good for our health, how it will promote our hair growth. But it is all inter-connected. So, now the question arises which Food for hair growth faster?

Many foods are good in nutrition and are necessary for hair health. Each strand of hair is made up of certain nutrients, and to nourish them we need to provide the proper nutrients.

So, let’s have a look at the Food for hair growth faster. Check out the blog-

Best Food for hair growth faster

Following is the list of different kind of vegetables and fruits, that promotes hair growth and reduces hair loss.

1. Mango For Hair-

Mango the king of fruits is rich in silica, vitamin A, B6, C, and folate. It helps to strengthen the hair tissue and promotes hair growth.

How to eat: Eat 2 slices of mango after lunch or you can make a shake of it.

2. Eggs-

Eggs are packed with vitamin B, vitamin D, Carotenes, and Protein. They help to remove frizz and maintain hair growth. They also help to protect the hair from breakage.

How to eat: You can either eat a poached egg or boiled egg.

3. Soy Beans-

Soy Beans are rich in Iron, Omega-3, Magnesium, and Vitamin B2. They help to reduce hair loss and promote hair growth. You can also consume foods derived from soy such as tempeh.

How to eat: Try to eat 75 grams of Soy per week, for better hair growth.

4. Flaxseeds-

Flaxseeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, phosphorus, selenium, and magnesium. They help to nourish the hair and prevent it from drying. Flaxseeds also help in making hair strong.

How to eat: Consume 1tbsp. of Flaxseeds daily. You can either eat it as a snack or sprinkled over meals.

5. Berries-

Berries are high in collagen, vitamin C, and potassium. They help in the better absorption of iron. Berries are good for health and they also promote blood circulation.

How to eat: You can eat some handful of berries daily.

6. Tangerines-

Tangerines is rich in vitamin C content, it helps your body to absorb iron easily. Iron is very good for hair health, it reduces hair loss and promotes hair growth.

How to eat: You can either eat it raw or you can make a juice of it.

7. Salmon-

Salmon helps to increase the shine of hair. Salmon has a high content of omega-3 fatty acids, they help in the hair growth and also makes them shiny and healthy. Omega-3 are anti-inflammatory, which helps in reducing hair loss.

How to eat: You can have Salmon with different cooking styles.

8. Spinach-

This is a very good source of nutrients especially if you are tired battling with your brittle hair. Spinach is rich in vitamin A, iron, beta carotene, folate, and vitamin C. They help to keep the scalp healthy and promote healthy hair growth.

High in magnesium content, spinach also helps your hair produce sebum too.

How to eat: You can either boil it and makes it vegetable or can drink it up as juice.

9. Greek Yogurt-

Greek yogurt is an essential food, that stimulates hair growth. It is packed with proteins and vitamin B5, which helps to increase the blood circulation to the scalp and hair. Greek yogurt is also helpful in fighting against hair thinning and hair loss.

How to eat: You can eat plain greek yogurt with lunch or you can add it to the salad as a salad dressing.

10. Oatmeal-

Oatmeals are rich in iron, fiber, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids. They help in proper hair growth and reduce hair fall. Food for hair growth and thickness.

How to eat: You can eat a bowl of oatmeal in breakfast.

11. Guava-

Guava is high in vitamin C. It acts as a hair supplement and also promotes hair growth. Guava helps in removing hair thinning and reducing hair loss.

How to eat: You can eat one guava daily.

13. Blueberries-

Blueberries are rich in antioxidants, which help in promoting healthy hair growth and also strengthens the hair follicles. They also contain vitamin B and proanthocyanidins, which are good for promoting hair growth.

How to eat: Eating a handful of blueberries daily will be good for hair health.

13. Barley-

Just like almonds are good for hair and health, similarly, barley is also good for our hair and health both. Barley is rich in vitamin E, an essential nutrient for promoting hair growth and reducing hair loss.

How to eat: You can eat barley flakes in the breakfast like porridge or you can add some barley in soups and stews.

14. Walnuts-

Walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and also omega-6 fatty acids. They help in making the scalp healthy and nourishing the hair strands. Walnuts are also beneficial in reducing hair lightening.

How to eat: You can eat walnuts daily at any time of the day.

15. Carrots-

Carrots are very beneficial for our hair. They are rich in beta-carotene, which helps in protecting dull and dry hair. It makes the oily fluid in the hair called sebum, which acts as a natural conditioner.

How to eat: You can eat either raw carrot or can make its juice.

So, apart from these above foods there are many other good fruits and vegetables which help to boosts hair growth. Basically, there are some nutrients which should be consumed for healthy hair growth-

  • Vitamin A- Vitamin A is necessary to control the sebum production in hair. Sebum acts as a natural hair conditioner, and vitamin A is responsible for it.
  • Vitamin E- Vitamin E is the most important nutrient when it comes to the well being of hair and skin. It helps in repairing the hair tissue and also protects the hair from sun damage.
  • Iron- Iron helps to make your hair healthy. The hair follicle and hair root become healthy with the help of iron.
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids- Omega-3 fatty acids help in the hydration of hair and scalp.
  • Biotin- Biotin is responsible for hair growth and increasing hair volume. They help to nourish the hair and prevent them from looking brittle.
  • Protein- Protein is the most important nutrient for hair growth. Protein helps to make hair strong and shiny.

So, these are some of the healthy hair growth food which you can consume in order to boost your hair growth. What do you do now, for promoting hair growth?

FAQ On Food for hair growth faster

  1. Eating the above food will help in my hair growth?

Eating the above food helps in the proper consumption of nutrients. These nutrients are necessary for proper hair growth. Apart from the diet,  you also should use good hair products in to promote hair growth.

  1. Does Cinnamon help in hair growth?

Cinnamon helps in increasing blood circulation in the scalp, it makes the hair follicles and hair strands healthy and strengthened, which results in hair growth.