Haircare doesn’t mean applying any shampoo/ conditioner without understanding your hair type and then waiting for magic to happen. Your haircare routine should address your hair problems like dandruff, hair thinning, split ends, dryness, itchy scalp, etc. You should also consider your hair porosity when selecting products to nourish your hair. That’s because if you have low porosity hair, learning how to care for it will give you excellent results. So, without further ado, let’s unravel the secrets of hair care for low porosity hair.

Hair Porosity

Not sure what’s hair porosity and why should be concerned about it?

A hair shaft of humans consists of three layers, namely, cortex, cuticle, and medulla. The outermost layer is the cuticle and if your hair porosity is low, it means whatever products you apply, it never reaches the cortex and the medulla. As a result, your hair cannot retain and absorb oils and moisture.

Now the question is: How can you figure out if your hair has low porosity? Does your hair require a long time to get wet as well as dry? Then it’s evident that you have low porosity hair and that’s why, the treatments and moisture don’t get absorbed in the hair properly. Dryness and fizziness are the characteristics of low porosity hair.

As opposed to high porosity hair, low porosity hair does not just look dry and damaged but is also challenging to style. So, low porosity hair care is tricky and that’s why, we will be sharing the most effective hair care tips for your unruly hair that repels moisture.

Ways to Take Care of Low Porosity

hair care for low porosity hair

We bring for you some simple and practicable tips that’ll help you tame low porosity hair, making it soft, flexible, and moisturized:

1. Never use hot water

At the end of an exhausting day, nothing’s more relaxing than enjoying a long, hot shower. But did you know that hot water leaves our hair strands extremely dry? So, hot water is the last thing your hair needs. If you aren’t a fan of cold water, lukewarm water can be used.

2. Use a hair steamer

You must be wondering why steaming is allowed when washing is hot water is not recommended? That’s because steaming has the opposite effect of washing with hot water. Using a hair steamer will open your hair cuticles, ensuring that the products penetrate better and rejuvenate your strands.

However, steaming too often is not advisable as it can cause damage to the tresses. Just pay attention to how your hair low porosity hair responds and then modify accordingly.

3. Moisturize

Moisture is what makes hair supple, resilient, and soft. As you already have dry hair, the natural oils aren’t enough to give your hair nourishment and shine. So, moisturize regularly with nourishing oils. Leave-in conditioners can be a gamechanger.

4. Clarify

This step can make a sea of difference, and it means using a shampoo that will get rid of product buildups from the scalp and hair. As oils and treatments don’t penetrate your hair, they usually remain on the scalp and hair. These build-ups are negatively impacting your overall hair health. So, shampooing properly is a must.

5. Be consistent

Haircare involves several steps and so, you have to devote some time and attention to your hair. These include applying oil and leaving it overnight. Even if you are in a hurry, you should not skip using a conditioner after shampooing. Finally, use hair serum for extra shine and long-lasting softness.

Products for Low Porosity Hair

So, what type of hair products should you use for your low porosity, curly hair? Let’s find out!

You have to carefully select a shampoo that can penetrate the hair. Clarifying shampoos enriched with glycerin or honey will give you glossy and healthy hair.

If you dilute the conditioner with some water before applying, it will be easily absorbable. You can also buy milk conditioners as these deep conditioners are known for their thinner consistency. Leave-in conditioners will make your hair more manageable.

If you like oiling your hair regularly, light oils are better than thick oils as the former gets absorbed quickly. Hair masks are also great, and you should make it a point to apply a hydrating hair mask once a week. You should also apply styling products generously before exposing your sensitive hair to heat.

The Takeaway

So, low porosity hair is demanding but once you understand it, caring doesn’t have to be too difficult. Knowing which products to stay away from and which ones to use will eliminate most of your hair problems.

You can consult an accomplished hair specialist as they are the best people to curate a hair care routine that works for your low porosity strands.