Hair loss is a biggest problem in every girl’s life. We try lot many hair products, book appointment at parlour just to avoid this grave situation. Obviously, hair makes us look young and beautiful we would do anything to keep them healthy . But have you ever tried Yoga for your hair loss? Sounds strange! But believe me yoga helps in hair growth and also avoids hair loss.

Yoga helps in keeping our inner body healthy, it releases our stress and anxiety and regulates blood circulation. All this leads to a healthy body, hence less hair loss. Doing and performing Yoga everyday, will give you a drastic change in your body. You wil feel more energetic and lively. 

We have got some amazing Yoga poses for you, which will help in Hair loss and will promote hair growth.

Check them Out-


How is Yoga Beneficial:

  1. It helps in blood circulation.
  2. It keeps us away from any kind of stress and anxiety.
  3. It helps in eliminating toxins from body naturally.
  4. Improves physical and mental growth.
  5. Makes our scalp healthy and also promotes thick hair.

Yoga Poses for hair growth and control hair loss-

Yoga Poses For Hair Growth

1. Kapalabhati/Front Lobe Cleansing Technique:

  1. This is the basic and very ancient technique to cleanse our body. Kapalabhati is also treated as the first step of yoga. It is very good for digestion and beautiful hair.

How to perform-

  • Keep your head, neck, and shoulder straight while sitting in a crossed leg position.
  • Place your hands on the knees with eyes closed and relax for a minute.
  • Now take a deep inhale and exhale all the air contracting abdominal muscles.
  • Do this ten times in starting, then increase it to 30 and then to 60.
  • You can take breaks while doing this.
  • This is one of the best poses for hair growth
  1. Sarvangasana/The Shoulder Stand Pose:- 

    It is the queen of all the asanas. This asana helps in increasing blood circulation in the head, which results in the strengthening of your hair, hence less hair fall.

How to perform-

  • Lie down on your back and breathe normally.
  • Slowly raise your legs until it makes a 90 degree with the rest of your body.
  • Then raise your rest of the body, with your head resting on the ground.
  • Your hand will support the middle of your spine, and they should also support your body.
  • Make sure legs and spine are straight.
  • Breathe deeply through the process.
  • This pose helps in reducing hair fall completely.
  1. Sirsasana/Headstand Pose:-

    The name itself reveals what the pose is about. This is a little difficult pose and should be only done when you are completely ready for this. This asana instantly calms your mind and take away all your stress. It increases the blood flow and provides nourishment to the brain.

How to perform-

  • Invert your whole body. This means putting the whole weight of the body on your head.
  • Always perform this asana, under guided supervision.
  • Make sure there are 10-12 hours of gap between the meals and the pose.
  • This is one amazing yoga for thick hair.
  1. Vajrasana /Thunderbolt Pose:-

    This pose is also called Diamond pose. This yoga pose benefits us when performed after the meal. It eliminates constipation, reduces obesity and relieves stress. It also increases blood circulation and strengthens muscles.

How to perform-

  • Sit by folding your legs on your knees.
  • Your back should be straight and place your hand on your thighs
  • Stay in the position for at least 5-10 minutes for starting.
  • Breathe normally when in this position.
  1. Ustrasana /Camel Pose:- 

    It is the backward bend pose, which opens up your heart chakra. This asana increases your digestion. It relieves any trapped stress, by opening up the chest. It is a very good asana for women, as it helps in regulating the menstrual cycle and also releases any tension in the ovaries.

How to perform-

  • This is a backward bend pose. For this, you will have to stand on your knees.
  • Slowly try to bend backward, with your hand touching the feet.
  • Keep your head also backward trying to look back.
  1. Uttanasana/The Standing Forward Bend Pose:-

    It helps in rejuvenating our body and increase in blood circulation. This yoga pose rushes the energy into our scalp which helps in hair growth. It also relaxes our mind, which helps us sleep better at night.

How to perform-

  • Stand straight.
  • Slowly bend yourself from the hip, so that your head touches your knee.
  • Your hand should touch your feet.
  • Stay in the position for a while.
  1. Sasangasana/Rabbit Pose For Hair Loss Prevention:-

    This pose is recommended by many professionals to solve the hair loss problem. This promotes hair growth and blood circulation.

How to perform-

  • Stand on your knees.
  • Later, lean forward so that your head touches the knee.
  • With your hand, try to touch the feet.
  • Make sure you do it slowly, to avoid any muscle cramp.
  1. Adho Mukha Svanasana/The Downward Dog Facing Pose:-

    The name itself is very heavy isn’t it? But the yoga pose is not that difficult. It resembles like dog facing downward. It helps in blood circulation and enables fresh blood in your head, which reduces hair fall. It also stretches your neck and spine, thus releasing stress.

How to perform-

  • Stand Straight and relax.
  • Bend downwards, with your hands facing the ground.
  • You will be making a triangle position. Make sure the distance between your hand and feet in more.
  • Try touching your head to the ground
  • This is one of the best yoga for hair loss prevention.
  1. Pavanamuktasana/The Wind Relieving Pose:-

    This is one of the best yoga poses for hair fall control. And it is also easy for the beginner’s level. This pose is done in the morning, and it helps in clearing all the digestive gases from the stomach. It increases your blood circulation and reduces belly fat. When you have a healthy stomach, hair fall tends to reduce.

How to perform-

  • Lie down on your back and relax for a minute.
  • Then bring both the knees close to the chest slowly.
  • Hold the knees with your hand and maintain this posture for quite some time.
  1. Meditation:

    This is the best and one of my favorite poses in Yoga. It helps in releasing stress and anxiety. 

How to perform-

  • You have to sit by crossing your leg peacefully with your eyes closed. 
  • Try relaxing your mind during this pose.
  • Breathe normally.
  1. The Fish Pose Or Matsyasana Yoga For Hair Growth:-

    One of the most important and beneficial poses for hair growth. This asana is very effective and is also recommended by many professionals. This will surely give you a strong and healthy hair in a month.

How to perform-

  • Lie down on your back and keep your body straight and relax.
  • Then slowly bend your knees inwards, so that, your elbows touch your arms.
  • Stretch as much as you can. Now start putting pressure on your elbows and push your stomach towards the ceiling.
  • Try holding the position for a bit.
  • If you feel strain in your neck, you can put a towel under your neck.

DO NOT attempt this pose, if you are pregnant or suffering from any back injury.

Things to remember-
    • Before starting your yoga, make sure you are empty stomach. Except for the Vajrasana.
    • Always warm up your body by performing simple stretching exercise, so that you do not hurt any muscles.
    • Yoga do not work instantly, you need to continue it for a month to notice the difference.
    • If you do not wish to do yoga, you can also go for running, walking or cycling. Any exercise which increases blood circulation will help in hair loss.
    • Some of the yoga poses are difficult, do them only in a guided supervision.

So, these are some poses you can start doing, for your hair loss problem. Always remember, this is one of the ways to stop hair fall and promote hair growth. Your diet, your lifestyle also matters a lot in these cases.
So, have you tried any of these poses yet? Do comment below to let us know your experience.