Split ends happen, when the hair cuticle, the hair’s protective outer layer, wears away. It can happen because of heat styling, chemical treatments, rough brushing, or environmental damage. The hair shaft splits into two or more strands because of this, making your hair look frizzy, dry, and unhealthy. Let’s have a look at the below DIYs for how to prevent split ends and protect your hair from breakage.

What Causes Split Ends? 

What Causes Split Ends

Heat-Styling: Too much use of heat-style tools like flat irons and curling wands can make your hair weak and cause split ends. 

Acidic Treatments: Chemical treatments like bleaching, perming, and coloring can remove hair’s natural oils, including dry hair and damaged hair.

Too much washing: If you wash your hair too often, the natural oils in it can be washed away, leaving the ends of your hair dry and causing hair breakage. 

Brushing too hard: If you brush your hair too hard, especially wet hair, it can break and get split ends. 

Environmental Damage: The sun, wind, and smog can weaken your hair and cause split ends.

Types of Split Ends 

Simple Split: At the end, the hair shaft splits into two strands. 

Miniature Split: A very small piece of hair breaks into two or more pieces. 

Forked Split: This type of split shows serious damage. 

Feather Split: The part that has been split looks like the edge of a feather because it is torn.

7 Best DIYs For How To Prevent Split Ends

Let’s have a look at 7 best ways to prevent split ends. By using these mask you can style your hair without conceal split ends. Apply these DIYs and let your hair healthy and free.

1. Mask with Coconut Oil: 


Coconut hair oil nourishes and moisturizes hair, which keeps split ends from happening. Can be used on any hair type.


Coconut oil. 


Focus on the ends of your hair when you put warm coconut oil on it. 

Before you wash it off, leave it on for 30 minutes to an hour. 

2. Avocado And Olive Oil Hair Mask:

Benefits:  Avocado gives you important nutrients, and olive oil makes hair soft and healthy hair. 


Ripe Avocado 

Olive oil. 


Mash a ripe avocado, and add olive oil to make a smooth paste.

Apply it to your hair and wait 30 minutes before washing it out.  

3. Mask of Egg Yolk: 


Egg yolk is high in protein, which makes helps in hair care, keep your hair healthy and avoid split ends.


Egg Yolk. 


To use them, beat egg whites and put them on wet hair. 

It should be left on for 20 to 30 minutes before being washed off with cool water. 

4. Honey and Yogurt Mask: 


 Honey naturally holds water, and yogurt work as a conditioner to makes hair soft and shiny. 





Mix the honey and yogurt until the mixture is smooth. 

Put it on your hair and wait 20 to 30 minutes before washing it out. 

5. Honey and Banana Mask: 


Bananas have a lot of vitamins and potassium, which help hair grow healthy and prevent split ends. 


Ripe banana 



Mash a ripe banana and add honey to it. 

Place the mix on your hair and let it sit for 30 minutes. 

Then, wash it out. 

6. Aloe Vera Gel Hair Treatment:


Aloe vera is good for you because it calms the skin, lowers inflammation, and helps hair grow back. 


Aloe vera juice


 Put aloe vera gel on your straight hair, focusing on the ends. 

Rinse after 30 minutes of leaving it on. 

7. Vinegar and Apple Cider Rinse: 


It keeps the scalp’s pH level balanced, gets rid of product buildup, and seals the skin of the hair to stop split ends. 


 Apple cider vinegar


 How to Use It: 

Mix apple cider vinegar with water and use it as a last rinse after washing. 

After putting it on, wash your hair with cold water. 

checkout more apple cider vinegar hair masks: Beauty Key For Scalp: Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse For Hair

8. Shea Butter And Argan Oil:


Argan oil feeds and strengthens hair, which keeps split ends from happening. Shea butter fully moisturizes hair.

Argan oil

Shea butter.


Melt some shea butter and mix it with some argan oil.

Focusing on the ends, work the mixture into your hair.

Put it on and wait 30 to 60 minutes.

Then, rinse it off with warm water.

9.  Rinse with Rice water:


The amino acids and vitamins in rice water make hair stronger and less likely to split.

½ cup rice.


To do this, wash ½ cup of rice well and let it soak in 2 cups of water for 30 minutes.

After washing, strain the rice and use the water as a last rinse.

After a few minutes, wash your hair with cool water.

 Additional Tips On How To Get Rid Of Split Ends

  • Get your hair trimmed often to get rid of split ends and stop them from moving up the hair shaft.
  • Use a mild shampoo and leave-in-conditioner to avoid split ends
  • Start at the ends and work your way up with a wide-tooth comb to gently untangle wet hair.
  • Use a heat protectant spray or lotion on your hair to keep it safe from heat-styling tools.
  • To protect your hair from damage, wear it in safe styles like bands or buns.
  • If you want to keep your pillowcase from breaking while you sleep, use one made of satin or silk.

How Can Conceal Split Ends?

Split ends are irreparable, but you may hide them. Coconut oil, almond oil, or any moisturizer can be used for hair ends. These products smooth and gloss hair, hiding broken ends.
Hairstyles that hide endings are another possibility. Try a low or high bun or hair extensions.


To stop split ends, you need to take care of your hair properly, use products that strengthen it, and take precautions. If you stick to a pattern and use natural home treatments, your hair will start dealing with split ends, less in hair damage and increase hair growth. Be gentle with your hair, stay away from chemical treatments and heat damage that are too strong, and give it the love and care it needs to have beautiful locks without split ends.


Can split ends be repaired?

Split ends can’t be entirely healed, but excellent hair care and strengthening treatments help prevent them.

How often should I trim my hair to avoid split ends?

Trim your hair every 6-8 weeks.

Are there vitamins or products to prevent split ends?

Biotin, vitamin E, and omega-3 fatty acids promote healthy hair growth and prevent split ends. If necessary, add them to your diet or take vitamins.